
It is important to understand the issues of the social clauses in public procurement.

The semi-public company of Saint-Martin launched its first public procurement including a social clause.

Semsamar organized last Friday an information session for construction companies. The companies have until June 8th to answer the public procurement launched 15 days prior by the semi-public company in order to carry out major maintenance of public housing totaling EUR 1.5 million.

For the first time at Saint-Martin, the acquisition of this public procurement implies an enrollment to a social clause. This means the companies who will win the contract will commit to hiring a percentage of the public that meets predefined criteria (long-term unemployed, people living with disabilities, residents of priority districts, RSA beneficiaries, etc). “We organized this meeting to discuss the new clauses of social inclusion as many of you have pointed out they do not do this well,”  declared Steve Titus, Operational Manager of Semsamar, as an introduction to the morning.

Social clauses jurist and specialist, Patrick Loquet presented its main principles by videoconference. Levy Tony, Director of the FAC Learning Center, explained specifically to the businesses how to fill out their file and prepare for recruitment.

The association Sem Ta Route is acting as facilitator to help businesses throughout these procedures. “We will also have to ensure that the clause has been applied correctly punishable by law such as in the case of contract termination, for example,” Karen Kelly-Mamie explained, who is responsible for the social branch of Semsamar and supervisor at Sem Ta Route.


Fanny Fontan