
The COM at the "Interco' Outre-Mer Days"

While the French state is currently consulting the population of Saint-Martin on the future PPRn, the Collectivité of St-Martin and the elected officials have expressed their wish to see the consultation period extended by several months, to have additional time to discuss upcoming regulations.

The implementation of a PPRn generally requires 2 years of consultation. The Collectivité therefore asks to get the opportunity to explore and experiment on this matter in order to obtain a document adapted to the risks and needs of our island.
The vice-president Steven PATRICK, in charge of sustainable development, has already met on several occasions professionals from other territories (Overseas territories and communes of south of France) such as elected representatives, technicians of the state, parliamentarians, legal advisers and construction professionals, who understand our problem.
To this end, on May 29, 2019, the vice-president was able to meet with the director of CAUE971 in Guadeloupe, Mr. Jack SAINSILY, a renowned architect, in order to study with him the potential leads in terms of construction and resilience.
This particularly constructive exchange has highlighted contemporary materials and modern construction methods that could be apply in Saint-Martin and allow Saint-Martiners to live with the risks and in the same time protect themselves from those ricks.
From the 10th to the 14th of June 2019, the vice-president took part in a seminar in the Hérault region (south of France), initiated by the association "Interco's Outre-Mer" entitled "Alchemy between the Earth and the Sea: what solutions for our territories? ".

The themes were very close to our concerns:
• The addition between coastal protection and land planning;
• Port development and its economic results;
• The development of our territories: the involvement of the population

These seminar days remind us that we are not the only ones concerned by the difficulty of developing a territory surrounded by water and subject to factors related to the coastline and its regulations. The overseas territories involved in this meeting (Guadeloupe, Martinique, Reunion, Guyana and Mayotte), as well as many touristic communes of Hérault (Vias, Adge, Pézénas) face similar problems and constraints like Saint-Martin : erosion, marine submersion, floods, the 50 geometric steps.

In order to initiate an interaction with President Gibbs and his team around these important topics, Vice-President Steven Patrick plans to organize meetings with the local population and elected officials to bring out solutions for the reconstruction and security of the housing on the French side.


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